Kamis, 11 Juni 2015

learning english

Nama   : Izmi istiana
Kelas   : 4ea18
Npm    : 13211768
Experience learning English in school

               Starting from the time primary school  from class I to class III yet dapet English lessons, new in my balls dapet fourth grade English class. I really do not like the English lesson. Karna difficult and elusive apalgi if I could not speak English use. I go to school at SDN bojong Rawalumbu bekasi VI.

               Primary school me lazy all the time when English class taste just want to skip if there is a lesson. The added his stern teacher makes me lazy to go to class. If it is a lesson english FAQ I started degdekan. Pray and hope that my name was not called. Actually cool to learn English if understood.
               From elementary school through high school my first daily test if there is always sitting in the back in order to cheat to friends. Because if it does not get caught sitting behind the teacher if cheating. Fortunately my friends kind enough to give me cheating and mengjarkan English. At the time of daily test I always wanted to sit with a friend who clever English.

               I do not like it when there rote or conversational English. The first hard ngafalnya and that the two speak the language inggrisya difficult. Indonesian afalan sometimes difficult to know by heart I wrote let alone English. Facing the first high school national exam I started studying hard and mean - really because I thought that the national exam can not cheat. So I studied hard to pass and medapat satisfactory value.

               Starting was entering middle school to high school end of the country to be a test of English language support, malui of the test that I think is very important lah basaha learn English. And I studied and tried to understand peajaran English. The high school in the socialization of the love of the English language it's important to work because English is now the international language. So obligated to speak Inngris. So, how important it is now to speak English. This is my experience of learning English.

Senin, 08 Juni 2015

softkill bahasa inggris

Nama                   : Izmi istiana
Kelas          : 4ea18
Npm           : 1321178
Softslkill bahasa inggris
Junk food

Junk food nowadays is considered a normal eating venture. People are not just eating out on special occasions or weekends anymore. It means that all the time they mostly eat fast foods. However is fast food good for health?

Junk food has its popularity in the 1940’s. Within a few years, fast-food operations popped up everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940’s, oddly it started the rise in obesity and cancer during that same time period.

Junk food is highly processed with a wide array of additives. To ensure fast food’s low cost, the fast food products are made with highly-processed ingredients to give it shelf-life, to hold consistency, and to enhance flavor. Fast food is altered from its original healthy form.
It is not the calories in fast food which damage health and waistline. It is the chemical additives such as aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). Studies show that the chemical additives lead to weight and disease issues.So, there is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds hunger and craving.

Junk food is identical with fast food. This type of food is generally consumed by urban residents who have limited time so that they choose to consume this food that does not need to wait for a long time to eat. Junk food is kind of food that is not advisable to be consumed too often because this type of food is lack of nutritional value but it contains high enough calories, fat, and sugar.
Junk food has become part of people’s life in the urban areas that are very busy with the activity of work. Junk food includes a hamburger, hot dogs, French fries, carbonated drink, candy and various types of cake that use an artificial sweetener.
Too often consuming junk food can cause bad impacts for your health. The low nutritional content as well as the high calories conceived by junk food can trigger various diseases. The most possible impact of too much consuming junk food is obesity. Besides, junk food can also increase the risk of diabetes, a heart attack, as well as hypertension.
A study carried out by the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, researched the harmful effects of junk food. This research obtain the conclusion that eating fast food twice or more in a week have the possibility of 27 percent larger to develop diabetes and 56 percent die because of diseases of the heart, compared to participants who seldom or never eat fast food. Even the participants that are known eat fast food four times or more in a week, have the risk of death from a heart attack which increase to 80 percent. Western people are fond of consuming junk food so that their insulin hormone remains high the rest of the day. This case can lead to metabolic processes in the body to be disrupted as well as raising the risk of diabetes type 2.
 The women who are pregnant should avoid eating junk food. Eating junk food is not only bad herself but also for the baby. The baby will be so vulnerable to diabetes and hypertension. Besides, a number of studies in china revealed that the rate of breast cancer in the country has increased due to the modern lifestyle that people consume junk food too often.
Furthermore, a research from the University of Adelaide shows that eating full of junk food for children will make their IQ two points lower than a child who does not eat much junk food. Even though the IQ difference is not so subtle, this study proves that children’s way of eating at age of 6 to 24 months give small but significant effects on their IQ when they reach eight years old. Therefore, it is important for parents to consider the long-term impact of food that is given to their children. In addition, some junk foods have the addictive substances as well as containing an artificial sweetener. These substances will make a child become more hyper and easily distracted. This will cause the child, especially a male, to like fighting.
Although junk foods taste good and can be obtained easily and quickly, it has enough risk to health so that you are advised not to consume this kind of food too often. It will be better if we include green vegetables and fruits to consume. A study conducted by the University of Leicester found that green vegetables and fruits are able to reduce the risk of diabetes type 2 until 14 percent.
effects of eating junk food problems in the digestive system For the junk food addicts , they would be at risk of digestive disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD ) and irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) . As we know that junk food contains more calories than nutritional value . When we consume junk food is fried, oil content will be stored in the wall of the stomach lining . This can increase acid production .
Then spices in it can irritate the stomach lining , which can exacerbate the risk of GERD and digestive disorders . Lack of fiber in the womb junk food can inhibit digestion , increases problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids .
               Other effects of junk food Fatigue and weakness. Junk food does not have a number of essential nutrients necessary for health maintenance and functioning of all systems in the body as a whole such as proteins and vitamins . Although these foods can make the stomach feel full and satisfied , but he failed to provide instant energy intake . So that makes the body feel weak and tired while after taking it. If the body only absorbs all kinds of food are classified as junk food for a certain period of time , then it can lead to chronic fatigue . Junk food can lower the body's energy level to a level that may make it difficult or even body can not perform daily routines. 
               Tips to Avoid Junk FoodWell here are some tips to avoid junk food:
a.       Consuming brown rice instead of white rice, because brown rice contains more fiber is believed that besides being able to make a full stomach, but also provides adequate nutrition for the body.
b.      Consuming wheat / oats, the grain has a lot of fiber, protein, good fatty acids, plant chemicals, vitamins, and minerals such as copper, iron, zinc and magnesium which makes a more perfect breakfast.
c.       Consuming fruits and avoid the juice packaging, this is due to packaging juice contains a lot of preservatives and chemicals that make it unhealthy. Moreover, to make a very smooth texture juice, all parts of which are rich in fiber are removed during processing. So, when drinking bottled juice, it means that we increase the intake of sugar in the body. Instead, substitute fruit juice with fresh fruits intact. They will increase the intake of fiber with the added benefit of vitamins.
d.      Consuming leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce included in high-fiber foods will help reduce blood sugar levels. Make sure you include at least one portion that is rich in protein, either dal, beans, eggs or fish into the daily menu.

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